Another attack by Islamic terrorists in France, 25 September 2020

On 25th September 2020 in Paris, France, another Islamic terrorist attack has occurred in Europe. It is just another of the many examples of what happens when letting harmful cultures to enter in civil Countries, in the name of the “do-gooding” ideologies. I remind you that “Do-gooder” means “Person with good intentions, but unrealistic”.

An 18 years old Islamic young from Pakistan, together with other Islamic extremists has committed a knife attack and injured several people. The reason is, some published cartoons depicting their “prophet” Muhammad. Similar to what happened in year 2015 against the redaction of the satiric newspaper Charlie Hebdo, where 12 people had been killed and 11 injured.

Here some news articles about the attack of 25 Sept. 2020:
France 24
New York Times

Only by chance nobody died. The interesting part is that this young, the main criminal, was entered in Europe as unaccompanied minor, some time before. Maybe one of the may who cross the Mediterranean Sea on a boat, “rescued” by these alleged “No profit” organizations.
I’m sorry to the do-gooders, but as European citizen I don’t care whether the Islamic murders may be “only” the 1-0,1% or less of all the “rescued” people coming form the “poor areas”. I don’t accept the risk at all, even not the 0,001%, that persons in our Countries can be killed by someone who is a carrier of these imported primitive cultures.
Differently than the other “common” murders, the Islamic terrorists are legitimated by their “holy” book Quran, to kill people. Therefore, every Muslim is a potential killer. Any Muslim may decide in any moment to follow literally his/her holy book and apply it. This is why Muslims can turn to murders, much more easily than people from other cultures. Since Islam is not a culture originary of Europe or from the Occidental world, I see no reasons to let such people to enter in our Countries, for any reason. If they need help, there are other ways to help them in their countries, with their collaboration of course.

I’m sorry, but everybody who believes in such “holy” books has to be considered a potential terrorist. I’m sorry for the do-gooders, but as I explained in the page about the Islamic immigration, this is the reality of facts. There is yet too much work to do on such primitive and harmful cultures, before to open the borders uncontrolled to anyone. (And without considering the overpopulation problems).

What is the healing against Islamic danger? Well guys, it is too late to ask this question. Too many Muslims have already entered in Europe. Many of the 2nd, 3rd generation Islamic offspring have grown and grew up in fundamentalist families, and they follow this madness.

For me personally, at practice level, only extreme solutions could significantly change the situation I know it is not politically possible, but as for my opinion, the only working solution to protect the occidental world against the Islamic danger would be:

1) Set the Islamic religion outlaw (close all the mosques. Collective worships activities are not allowed).
2) Revoke the citizenship to all the Muslims which have 2 citizenships and expel them back to their Country of origin.
3) keep under surveillance the activities of all the Muslims who can’t be expelled because they have only one citizenship. It applies also to the native citizens who have converted to Islam.

Yes, extreme solutions to extreme problems. It is up to them to change the rules of their culture, it is not up to us. And don’t tell that it is racism, because Islam is not a race, it is a culture, and like all cultures it is only a human arbitrary invention. Otherwise it is racism also saying that Fascism, Nazism, Communism are bad and undesired cultures.
Employers of the Charlie Hebdo newspaper (a satiric newspaper!) have to live under police protection since 2015, in their Country, because of the danger imported with Muslims in Europe. All thanks to the do-gooding politic ideologies.

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