Germany 19th April 2021. A perfect example of time-dictatorship, the true nature of the Representative Democracy

In April 2021 we have attended one of the gloomiest show that the Representative Democracy can offer. A very good lesson about what the Representative Democracy is.

In Germany, the coalition composed by the 2 major conservative parties (CDU and CSU) had to elect their common candidate for the federal chancellery. Their candidate for the successor of the chancellor Angela Merkel.
Angela Merkel is also a member of the CDU, the major conservative party. CDU has the largest share in the Union composed by CDU+CSU and they govern always together as a coalition, called “Union”, plus other smaller independent parties which may be part of the government coalition.

There were two candidates as next chancellor by the Union, Armin Laschet, a more older style politician (60 years old) from the CDU, and the younger Markus Söder (53 years old) from the CSU party, with a considerably younger appeal.
Well, all the polls show that the
vast majority of the people preferred to have the younger Markus Söder as candidate. Around 85% of all the Germans were for Markus Söder and even the 70% of the voters of the CDU+CSU Union!
But the board of the directors of the Union, the bosses, wanted elect Armin Laschet as candidate, because of disputes about power internal inside of the Union. In front of those clear polls results, they even declared “Polls are not relevant for our decision”.
So, despite of any consideration, the bosses of the Union have designed Armin Laschet as chancelor candidate, against the will of the vast majority of their own Union voters and of the whole German pepole.
Well folks, that’s the so magnificent and democratic Representative Democracy, enjoy it!

In a Direct Democracy, it would have been never not possible. Markus Söder would have been elected as chancellor candidate, because all the CDU+CSU members in the population would have voted.
But noooooo!!! It would have been
“Populism”! Direct Democracy is Populism! It is dangerous!
Yes it is dangerous, because it gets power off from the Bosses, the upper floors, the tip of the summits which rule the outdated Representative Democracy.

Even Wolfgang Grupp, the owner and CEO of Trigema, the major textile company in Germany, stated about this decision “I would never put a production manager as chief of the production in my factory, if I had the feeling that over the 50% of my workers would prefer a different one”.

How long the sleeping people will get aware that the Representative Democracy is only a Time-Dictatorship?

See also this page:

and this page: