Andromeda galaxy from the Hubble Space Telescope

Welcome on… The Tyco’s Pages !

…On 16th August 2020 Tyco’s Pages comes fresh online for the first time!

In these pages I publish my thoughts, visions and proposals about many different themes, as: global politics, society, nature, environment, animals, and something about my personal interests.

In particular, today is the moment to return to talk about a better politic system. The global crisis due to the COVID-19 Coronavirus has blatantly shown how the capitalistic system, with its monetary economy, doesn’t work in the real world and is not sustainable in any way in the future. An intelligent system can’t run in crises only because the ‘consumption’ of goods decreases. Nobody in the relevant positions seems to have noticed it.

Some parts of my pages are exposed in a bit provocative way, but my intention is always to invite people to think deeper about certain themes, considering different elements than usual. My intention is NEVER to instigate troll behaviors or comments. Please leave your comments only if you have something constructive to tell. I will be happy to read your contribute. Otherwise, I will remove the inappropriate comments.

In the next weeks also a forum board will be added, where the people can discuss more extensively about the themes covered on these pages, and about related arguments.

You can copy any part of this pages, under the condition to quote this site as source.

This site is optimized for a screen width of at least 1000-1100 pixels. It is not optimized for smartphones. Use a decent screen size to surf in internet 🙂
This site has no advertisements and no faded texts. All the texts are black on white background, to allow a comfortable reading.
The texts in blue color are links to other pages (just not this one).

I wish you a nice stay.